373 gTLDs’ Domain Report on 2024-01-02

On 2024-01-02, ABTdomain provided a domain name report covering 373 generic top-level domains (gTLDs), including newly registered domains for popular gTLDs such as .com, .net, .info, and .org. Among these gTLDs there are 107,103 newly registered domains and 142,883 newly expired/deactivated domains.


.Com has 157,562,535 active domain names, including 64,523 newly registered domains, while 92,319 have expired.
Check the newly registered .com domains by clicking: .Com newly registered domains.


.Net has 12,903,089 active domain names, including 3,988 newly registered domains, while 8,580 have expired.
Check the newly registered .net domains by clicking: .Net newly registered domains.


.Org …