372 gTLDs’ Domain Report on 2024-01-24

On 2024-01-24, ABTdomain provided a domain name report covering 372 generic top-level domains (gTLDs), including newly registered domains for popular gTLDs such as .com, .net, .info, and .org. Among these gTLDs there are 199,525 newly registered domains.


.Com has 157,549,942 active domain names, including 119,743 newly registered domains. Check the newly registered .com domains by clicking: .Com newly registered domains.


.Net has 12,876,052 active domain names, including 6,586 newly registered domains. Check the newly registered .net domains by clicking: .Net newly registered domains.


.Org has 10,767,187 active domain names, including 6,486 newly registered domains. Check the newly …