2024-07-20 Top 10 gTLDs

On 2024-07-20, ABTdomain released top 10 gTLDs rankings for 1002 gTLDs(generic top-level domains), encompassing nearly all of the internet’s popular gTLDs. These gTLDs were selected based on either the highest number of new registrations or the highest number of active registrations.

Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations

The “Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations” refers to a list of the 10 gTLDs that have the highest number of active registrations among the monitored 1002 gTLDs.
1: .com, 155,091,995 active registrations
2: .net, 12,701,590 active registrations
3: .org, 10,900,130 active registrations
4: .xyz, 3,582,060 active registrations
5: …

2024-07-19 Top 10 gTLDs

On 2024-07-19, ABTdomain released top 10 gTLDs rankings for 1002 gTLDs(generic top-level domains), encompassing nearly all of the internet’s popular gTLDs. These gTLDs were selected based on either the highest number of new registrations or the highest number of active registrations.

Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations

The “Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations” refers to a list of the 10 gTLDs that have the highest number of active registrations among the monitored 1002 gTLDs.
1: .com, 155,118,864 active registrations
2: .net, 12,703,417 active registrations
3: .org, 10,900,031 active registrations
4: .xyz, 3,583,103 active registrations
5: …

2024-07-18 Top 10 gTLDs

On 2024-07-18, ABTdomain released top 10 gTLDs rankings for 1002 gTLDs(generic top-level domains), encompassing nearly all of the internet’s popular gTLDs. These gTLDs were selected based on either the highest number of new registrations or the highest number of active registrations.

Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations

The “Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations” refers to a list of the 10 gTLDs that have the highest number of active registrations among the monitored 1002 gTLDs.
1: .com, 155,128,235 active registrations
2: .net, 12,704,035 active registrations
3: .org, 10,899,390 active registrations
4: .xyz, 3,586,217 active registrations
5: …

2024-07-17 Top 10 gTLDs

On 2024-07-17, ABTdomain released top 10 gTLDs rankings for 1003 gTLDs(generic top-level domains), encompassing nearly all of the internet’s popular gTLDs. These gTLDs were selected based on either the highest number of new registrations or the highest number of active registrations.

Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations

The “Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations” refers to a list of the 10 gTLDs that have the highest number of active registrations among the monitored 1003 gTLDs.
1: .com, 155,125,897 active registrations
2: .net, 12,705,035 active registrations
3: .org, 10,897,906 active registrations
4: .xyz, 3,589,888 active registrations
5: …

2024-07-16 Top 10 gTLDs

On 2024-07-16, ABTdomain released top 10 gTLDs rankings for 1004 gTLDs(generic top-level domains), encompassing nearly all of the internet’s popular gTLDs. These gTLDs were selected based on either the highest number of new registrations or the highest number of active registrations.

Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations

The “Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations” refers to a list of the 10 gTLDs that have the highest number of active registrations among the monitored 1004 gTLDs.
1: .com, 155,119,716 active registrations
2: .net, 12,705,450 active registrations
3: .org, 10,897,000 active registrations
4: .xyz, 3,587,713 active registrations
5: …

2024-07-15 Top 10 gTLDs

On 2024-07-15, ABTdomain released top 10 gTLDs rankings for 1004 gTLDs(generic top-level domains), encompassing nearly all of the internet’s popular gTLDs. These gTLDs were selected based on either the highest number of new registrations or the highest number of active registrations.

Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations

The “Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations” refers to a list of the 10 gTLDs that have the highest number of active registrations among the monitored 1004 gTLDs.
1: .com, 155,118,297 active registrations
2: .net, 12,707,827 active registrations
3: .org, 10,895,360 active registrations
4: .xyz, 3,594,297 active registrations
5: …