2024-04-04 Top 10 gTLDs

On 2024-04-04, ABTdomain released top-10 rankings for 392 gTLDs(generic top-level domains), encompassing nearly all of the internet’s popular gTLDs. These gTLDs were selected based on either the highest number of new registrations or the highest number of active registrations.

Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations

The “Top 10 gTLDs by Active Registrations” refers to a list of the 10 gTLDs that have the highest number of active registrations among the monitored 392 gTLDs.
1: .com, 157,272,140 active registrations
2: .net, 12,846,391 active registrations
3: .org, 10,825,098 active registrations
4: .info, 3,598,745 active registrations
5: .xyz, 3,393,166 active registrations
6: .online, 3,024,794 active registrations
7: .top, 2,742,350 active registrations
8: .shop, 2,626,374 active registrations
9: .site, 1,549,255 active registrations
10: .store, 1,460,557 active registrations

Top 10 gTLDs by Newly Registered Domains

The “Top 10 gTLDs by Newly Registered Domains” refers to a list of the 10 gTLDs that have the highest number of newly registrations on 2024-04-04 among the monitored 392 gTLDs.
1: .com, 114,974 newly registered domains
2: .shop, 9,489 newly registered domains
3: .xyz, 9,136 newly registered domains
4: .online, 7,887 newly registered domains
5: .org, 7,149 newly registered domains
6: .net, 6,933 newly registered domains
7: .top, 6,315 newly registered domains
8: .site, 3,657 newly registered domains
9: .store, 3,601 newly registered domains
10: .info, 2,991 newly registered domains

Top 10 geo gTLDs by Active Registrations

ICANN provides more than 50 geo gTLDs to represent geographical, geopolitical, ethnic, social, or cultural identities. This top 10 geo gTLDs that have the highest number of active registrations on 2024-04-04 among ABTdomain’s monitored 392 gTLDs.
1: .tokyo, 187,457 active registrations
2: .nyc, 59,963 active registrations
3: .africa, 47,870 active registrations
4: .london, 33,944 active registrations
5: .bayern, 29,408 active registrations
6: .amsterdam, 20,369 active registrations
7: .paris, 19,401 active registrations
8: .koeln, 19,014 active registrations
9: .nrw, 18,332 active registrations
10: .bar, 17,521 active registrations

ABTdomain also released the newly registered domains details for these 392gTLDs, access the details by clicking 2024-04-04, 392 gTLDs’ Domain Report